
British Association for International Comparative Education Conference

Uwezo Uganda is participating in the BIACE (British Association for International Comparative Education) conference 2024 taking place at University of Sussex.

Our ED, Mary Goretti Nakabugo will present evidence from our research and assessment into schooling and learning in refugee contexts in Uganda and learning from counterparts who have undertaken research in similar contexts elsewhere.

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Appointment of our ED as the representative of Africa on the UNESCO GEMR Advisory Board

Kindly join us to celebrate the appointment of our Executive Director, Dr Mary Goretti Nakabugo as the representative of Africa on the UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report Advisory Board. We regard this as an acknowledgement of the work we have been doing over the years as an organisation and in partnership with other like-minded organisations to promote inclusive and equitable quality learning for all children through learning assessments, research, partnerships and evidence-based advocacy. More on the GEMR Advisory Board can be accessed here
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UNESCO Spotlight report released

Uwezo Uganda in partnership with the UNESCO Global  Education Monitoring  team released a spotlight report on Uganda’s basic education completion and foundational learning. The full report can be accessed here here

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Uwezo Uganda at the CIES 2024: The Power Of Protest

We are delighted to be participating in this year’s Comparative International Education Society (CIES) annual conference taking place from March 10-14, 2024 at the Hyatt Regency, Miami, Florida. In case you will be attending the conference, please join us for any of these sessions where our staff and partners will be presenting. 

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Understanding Access to and Learning Outcomes from ECE among Refugees and Non-Refugee populations in Uganda

If you agree or believe, like we do, that ‘early childhood education (ECE) is a key investment for improving learning and future outcomes’ check out our newly published co-authored article on Understanding Access to and Learning Outcomes From ECE Among Refugees and Non-Refugee Populations in Uganda’ here

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Participation in ISATT 2023 Conference

Uwezo Uganda is participating in the ongoing 20th biennial International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT) Conference 2023, in Bari, Italy. Our Executive Director, Dr. Mary Goretti Nakabugo delivered a presentation on; Using facilitated advocacy to engage teachers in dialogue with other community actors for improved learning outcomes and it can be accessed here

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Graduate Internship Opportunity

We are looking for Graduate Interns to learn and contribute to any of the following areas: Assessment & Action, Research & Experimentation, Communication & Advocacy, Finance & Admin, and Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning. Visit: or see details per the poster on twitter

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CIES 2023: Improving Education for a more Equitable World

We are thrilled to be part of the CIES 2023 conference taking place on 18-22 Feb, in Washington DC. We shall be presenting and chairing various sessions per the poster here

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Assessment of Life Skills and Values in Uganda report launched

After several months of tool development, pre-testing, piloting and rolling them out nationally, on Tuesday, 13th December 2022, we finally launched the Uganda National Assessment of Life Skills and Values in East Africa (ALiVE) report, themed; Do Our Children Have Life Skills and Values? Assessment of Life Skills and Values in East Africa (ALiVE) in partnership with Luigi Giussani Institute of Higher Education (LGIHE) and other Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) united under the Regional Education Learning Initiative (RELI)The assessment which focused on problem-solving, self-awareness and collaboration skills and the value of respect, reached 11,074 adolescents aged 13-17 years, from 7,815 households across 400 enumeration areas in 20 districts in Uganda. The full report can be accessed here.

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Development of the Assessment of Children’s Writing Skills in Uganda

Assessment of literacy by Uwezo Uganda and other organisations united under the People’s Action for Learning (PAL) Network have mainly targeted reading and have seldom included writing. Our Beyond Basics Assessment of 2016 in Uganda did assess writing, but not extensively, yet there is need to be better informed about the state of children’s writing skills in order to support literacy effectively. In order to meet the challenges of assessing writing, in 2022, Uwezo Uganda, using an innovation grant from the PAL Network, piloted a procedure for assessing children’s writing skills with differentiated volunteer roles. The pilot focuses on writing in English by children aged 8-12 using performance tasks, but the assessment design could be adapted to other languages and age groups. The assessment methodology and pilot report can be accessed here.

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Uwezo Uganda

Our Address

map-pin Uwezo Uganda, Corner House, Suite B1, Plot 436/437, Mawanda Road Kamwokya, Kampala.
P.O Box 33275, Kampala, Uganda
phone +256-393-193-441