Uwezo Uganda in partnership with the UNESCO Global Education Monitoring team released a spotlight report on Uganda’s basic education completion and foundational learning. The full report can be accessed here here
By Joseph Kasasa and Vincent Kalibbala
On Tuesday , 18th February 2025, we bid a heartfelt farewell to Winfred Mutoni who had served as the Administration and Communications intern since July 2025. As we paused to say goodbye, the staff at Uwezo Uganda reflected on the incredible contributions and qualities Winnie brought to our workplace.
Some of her qualities include, but not limited to her positive attitude towards work, colleagues noted her courage in facing challenges head-on, never shying away from new tasks that she had never done. Her willingness to take on new challenges was particularly admired, as she consistently demonstrated a proactive approach, eager to learn and grow in every situation.
In her farewell speech, she expressed deep gratitude to the
staff for their unwavering support throughout her tenure. She highlighted the
conducive work environment that allowed her to thrive, crediting the team’s support
and encouragement for her growth.
you so much for the opportunity and guidance during this period. It has been
transformative for me and it will guide me in my next career”, Winfred lovingly
To Winfred, we extend our warmest farewell and wish you the very best of luck in your new journey ahead. May your future be filled with success, growth, and endless opportunities to shine as brightly as you did here.
To learn more about our graduate internships, who can apply and how, please visit our website at https://uwezouganda.org/careers/internships
By Vincent Kalibbala and Joseph Kasasa
18th February 2025, Uwezo Uganda handed over chairship of the
People’s Action for Learning Network (PAL Network) Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) Hub to Usawa
Agenda, having served in the role since 2023. Leading this
incredible network has been an honor and a privilege. We extend our
sincere gratitude to the PAL Network Secretariat for their invaluable support
over the past two years—Asante sana! Much appreciation to fellow ESA Hub member
organisations, including Zizi Afrique Foundation, Youth Impact, Facilidade, UwezoTanzania and Usawa Agenda, for your passion and dedication as we collectively
continued to pursue a region where all children acquire a foundation for
lifelong learning, through assessment, research, action and advocacy. Together
we can continue to make a difference.
and best wishes to Usawa Agenda as you steer us into the future!
For more information about the work of the PAL Network, please visit: https://palnetwork.org/
Action for Life Skills and Values in East Africa (ALiVE)
– Uganda participated and presented at the
9th Schools administrators workshop organised by the Kingdom of Buganda on the importance of Social - Emotional Learning and its role in
Education: Nurturing Students Holistically". Administrators were enlighted
on the ALiVE approach in nurturing and assessing the non-cognitive skills
(Values and Lifeskills). The presentation can be accessed here
Action for Life Skills and Values in East Africa (ALiVE)
– Uganda presented at the 15th Women’s Round Table Conference
organised by the Uganda National Teachers’ Union (UNATU) about the role of Life skills
and values in tackling School-Related Gender-Based Violence. The presentation can be accessed here
Uwezo Uganda is participating in the 3rd KIX Continental Symposium on Research in Education in Africa taking place at the African Union in Addis. Our Executive Director, Dr Mary Goretti Nakabugo presented a paper sharing insights emerging from this collaborative regarding innovating contextualised tools for assessing life skill and values in East Africa. The presentation can be accessed here
Uwezo Uganda is participating in the BIACE (British Association for International Comparative Education) conference 2024 taking place at University of Sussex.
Our ED, Mary Goretti Nakabugo will present evidence from our research and assessment into schooling and learning in refugee contexts in Uganda and learning from counterparts who have undertaken research in similar contexts elsewhere.
We are delighted to be participating in this year’s Comparative International Education Society (CIES) annual conference taking place from March 10-14, 2024 at the Hyatt Regency, Miami, Florida. In case you will be attending the conference, please join us for any of these sessions where our staff and partners will be presenting.
If you agree or believe, like we do, that ‘early childhood education
(ECE) is a key investment for improving learning and future outcomes’
check out our newly published co-authored article on Understanding
Access to and Learning Outcomes From ECE Among Refugees and Non-Refugee
Populations in Uganda’ here