
Interfaced with the Education Policy Review Commission (EPRC)

Uwezo Uganda, at the invitation of the Education Policy Review Commission (EPRC), made a written and face to face submission to the Commission towards the ongoing reforms. The face to face event that took place on 19th October 2022 and covered by major media houses in the country recommended for the outcomes-based policy making, renewed efforts to address the problem of low, inequitable and delayed foundational learning and a shift in the education system to address the emerging needs in the country. Our full submission can be accessed here.

We will continue engaging with the Commission as the process unfolds.

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Uwezo Uganda 2021 National Assessment Report Launched

The Uwezo 2021 National Assessment report was launched and it can be accessed at here and the summary of findings can be accessed at here 

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Uwezo Uganda End of Year Newsletter

During the year 2021, we registered a number of achievements and we are pleased to share with you in the attached newsletter. Thank you for contributing to our success. The newsletter can be accessed here.

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CIES 2022 Conference: Illuminating the power of Idea/lism

Uwezo Uganda participated at the CIES 2022 conference that took place in Minneapolis, USA, where we presented and chaired various sessions as indicated on the poster here.

All the presentations can be accessed here.

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Kyambogo University STEAM Festival

Our ED Mary Goretti Nakabugo delivered a speech on 16th June 2022 at Kyambogo University Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture and Mathematics (STEAM) Festival under the theme, “Demystifying Science, Technology and Innovation for Community Development.”

The speech can be accessed here.

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Uwezo Uganda celebrated One year

Uwezo Uganda celebrated one year as an independent entity on 21st December 2020 under the theme: Uwezo Uganda @1 during challenging times: Reflections on the implications of Covid-19 on children’s learning. Please click on the following link to access a recording of the event proceedings: link

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Women’s Day panel discussion with the British High Commission

In preparation for the International Women’s Day, on 4th March 2021, the Uwezo Uganda Executive Director was part of a virtual panel discussion organized by The British High Commission; under the global theme “Women in Leadership: Achieving an Equal Future in a Covid-19 World”

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Commemorating the International Mother Tongue Day

On 2nd March 2021, Ministry of Gender Labor and Social Development commemorated the International Mother Tongue Day in partnership with other relevant government and non-government organizations including Uwezo Uganda, under the theme; “Mother tongue: Key to COVID 19 crisis prevention and response in Uganda”.

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Schools2030 National Design Workshop

As a learning partner, Uwezo Uganda and other partners participated in the Schools 2030 National design workshop organized by the Aga Khan Foundation to unpack and identify the learning domains for young people age 5, 10 and 15 years aligned to Uganda’s national education agenda.

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Policy brief published and launched

A policy brief was published on Inequalities in children’s basic literacy and numeracy skills in Uganda and their implications for Policy; and launched during the Ministry of Education and Sports, Basic Education Working Group meeting, on 2nd February 2021. Click here to access the policy brief

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(formerly Twitter): Uwezo Uganda
Uwezo Uganda

Our Address

map-pin Uwezo Uganda, Corner House, Suite B1, Plot 436/437, Mawanda Road Kamwokya, Kampala.
P.O Box 33275, Kampala, Uganda
phone +256-393-193-441