Who we are

An independent not-for-profit organisation operating in Uganda since October 2019, Uwezo Uganda actively seeks to contribute to a society in which all children are learning and realising their full potential.

We work towards this by demonstrating how to improve learning outcomes and keeping communities and leaders focused on learning through assessment, research, innovations, partnerships and advocacy.

For 10 years, we generated and disseminated independent assessment data, and contributed to amplifying the evidence of low learning outcomes and the fact that schooling does not equate to learning as a program under Twaweza East Africa.

Our Vision

A society in which all children are learning and realising their full potential.

Our Mission

We are committed to demonstrating how to improve learning outcomes and keeping communities and leaders focused on learning through assessment, research, innovations, partnerships and advocacy.

Latest News

British Association for International Comparative Education Conference

Uwezo Uganda is participating in the BIACE (British Association for International Comparative Education) conference 2024 taking place at University of Sussex.

Our ED, Mary Goretti Nakabugo will present evidence from our research and assessment into schooling and learning in refugee contexts in Uganda and learning from counterparts who have undertaken research in similar contexts elsewhere.

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Appointment of our ED as the representative of Africa on the UNESCO GEMR Advisory Board

Kindly join us to celebrate the appointment of our Executive Director, Dr Mary Goretti Nakabugo as the representative of Africa on the UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report Advisory Board. We regard this as an acknowledgement of the work we have been doing over the years as an organisation and in partnership with other like-minded organisations to promote inclusive and equitable quality learning for all children through learning assessments, research, partnerships and evidence-based advocacy. More on the GEMR Advisory Board can be accessed here
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UNESCO Spotlight report released

Uwezo Uganda in partnership with the UNESCO Global  Education Monitoring  team released a spotlight report on Uganda’s basic education completion and foundational learning. The full report can be accessed here here

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Uwezo Uganda at the CIES 2024: The Power Of Protest

We are delighted to be participating in this year’s Comparative International Education Society (CIES) annual conference taking place from March 10-14, 2024 at the Hyatt Regency, Miami, Florida. In case you will be attending the conference, please join us for any of these sessions where our staff and partners will be presenting. 

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Latest Activities

Uwezo Basics Assessment of Learning Outcomes 2024

Uwezo Uganda is gearing up for the assessment of basic numeracy and literacy skills to be conducted in 29 districts previously assessed in 2021 per the link- https://uwezouganda.org/district-partners. Assessment in the same districts will enable us undertake a comparative analysis and deeper understanding of the post COVID changes in learning outcomes. The assessment planned for July-August 2024, will obtain data at school and household level as well as involve generation of child (4-16) assessment data.


Our previous learning assessment reports can be accessed here: https://uwezouganda.org/publications/reports/


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Piloting of the Assessment for Life Skills and Values - ALiVE tools

Uwezo Uganda is partnering with Luigi Giussani Foundation to pilot ALiVE assessment tools in three districts of Jinja, Kasese and Oyam. The household assessment has just been concluded 03rd - 05th May 2024, targeting adolescents 13 -17 years, in 25 Enumeration Areas / villages in each district and 15 households in each enumeration area.  Overall, a total of 1,125 adolescents have been assessed in the 3 districts. The ALiVE pilot assessment focused on three Life Skills (Problem-Solving, Collaboration, and Self-awareness) and one Value (Respect). The pilot will not only enable further generation of data on these competencies but will also be used to yield a repository of tools for ALiVE's open-source platform as well as those that can be used by partners to evaluate programs that focus on life skills and values integration and nurturing.

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Scaling up the Uwezo Young Persons' Assessment of Reading, Writing and Math

Uwezo Uganda, within the first year of its implementation has planned to scale up the pilot assessment of young people’s reading, writing and math. In 2019, we developed an approach to assessing functional/everyday reading, writing and math skills among young persons (14-20 years of age) in Wakiso district with support from Oxford Policy Management. The pilot assessment adapted the Uwezo methodology, infrastructure and experience in conducting learning assessments to generate evidence on what young Ugandans (14-20 years) can do in terms of everyday Young Persons’ functional reading, writing and math skills.



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Our Address

map-pin Uwezo Uganda, Corner House, Suite B1, Plot 436/437, Mawanda Road Kamwokya, Kampala.
P.O Box 33275, Kampala, Uganda
phone +256-393-193-441