By Vincent Kalibbala and Joseph Kasasa
18th February 2025, Uwezo Uganda handed over chairship of the
People’s Action for Learning Network (PAL Network) Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) Hub to Usawa
Agenda, having served in the role since 2023. Leading this
incredible network has been an honor and a privilege. We extend our
sincere gratitude to the PAL Network Secretariat for their invaluable support
over the past two years—Asante sana! Much appreciation to fellow ESA Hub member
organisations, including Zizi Afrique Foundation, Youth Impact, Facilidade, UwezoTanzania and Usawa Agenda, for your passion and dedication as we collectively
continued to pursue a region where all children acquire a foundation for
lifelong learning, through assessment, research, action and advocacy. Together
we can continue to make a difference.
and best wishes to Usawa Agenda as you steer us into the future!
For more information about the work of the PAL Network, please visit: